本节介绍的数据集class构建为官方demo,对从零开始构建自己的数据集训练感兴趣的建议了解了本文及本文对应的代码文件后,看一下介绍了由自己的数据构建Mask RCNN可用形式的实践。
在训练过程中,我们最先要做的根据我们自己的数据集,集成改写基础的数据读取class:中的Dataset class,然后根据数据集调整网络配置文件配置中的Config 类,使得网络形状配适数,然后再去考虑训练的问题。按照逻辑流程,本节我们以中的数据生成为例,学习Dataset class的运作机理。
class ShapesDataset(utils.Dataset): """Generates the shapes synthetic dataset. The dataset consists of simple shapes (triangles, squares, circles) placed randomly on a blank surface. The images are generated on the fly. No file access required. """ def load_shapes(self, count, height, width): """Generate the requested number of synthetic images. count: number of images to generate. height, width: the size of the generated images. """ # Add classes self.add_class("shapes", 1, "square") self.add_class("shapes", 2, "circle") self.add_class("shapes", 3, "triangle") # Add images # Generate random specifications of images (i.e. color and # list of shapes sizes and locations). This is more compact than # actual images. Images are generated on the fly in load_image(). for i in range(count): bg_color, shapes = self.random_image(height, width) self.add_image("shapes", image_id=i, path=None, width=width, height=height, bg_color=bg_color, shapes=shapes) def load_image(self, image_id): """Generate an image from the specs of the given image ID. Typically this function loads the image from a file, but in this case it generates the image on the fly from the specs in image_info. """ info = self.image_info[image_id] bg_color = np.array(info['bg_color']).reshape([1, 1, 3]) image = np.ones([info['height'], info['width'], 3], dtype=np.uint8) image = image * bg_color.astype(np.uint8) for shape, color, dims in info['shapes']: image = self.draw_shape(image, shape, dims, color) return image def image_reference(self, image_id): """Return the shapes data of the image.""" info = self.image_info[image_id] if info["source"] == "shapes": return info["shapes"] else: super(self.__class__).image_reference(self, image_id) def load_mask(self, image_id): """Generate instance masks for shapes of the given image ID. """ info = self.image_info[image_id] shapes = info['shapes'] count = len(shapes) mask = np.zeros([info['height'], info['width'], count], dtype=np.uint8) for i, (shape, _, dims) in enumerate(info['shapes']): mask[:, :, i:i+1] = self.draw_shape(mask[:, :, i:i+1].copy(), shape, dims, 1) # Handle occlusions occlusion = np.logical_not(mask[:, :, -1]).astype(np.uint8) for i in range(count-2, -1, -1): mask[:, :, i] = mask[:, :, i] * occlusion occlusion = np.logical_and(occlusion, np.logical_not(mask[:, :, i])) # Map class names to class IDs. class_ids = np.array([self.class_names.index(s[0]) for s in shapes]) return mask.astype(np.bool), class_ids.astype(np.int32) def draw_shape(self, image, shape, dims, color): """Draws a shape from the given specs.""" # Get the center x, y and the size s x, y, s = dims if shape == 'square': cv2.rectangle(image, (x-s, y-s), (x+s, y+s), color, -1) elif shape == "circle":, (x, y), s, color, -1) elif shape == "triangle": points = np.array([[(x, y-s), (x-s/math.sin(math.radians(60)), y+s), (x+s/math.sin(math.radians(60)), y+s), ]], dtype=np.int32) cv2.fillPoly(image, points, color) return image def random_shape(self, height, width): """Generates specifications of a random shape that lies within the given height and width boundaries. Returns a tuple of three valus: * The shape name (square, circle, ...) * Shape color: a tuple of 3 values, RGB. * Shape dimensions: A tuple of values that define the shape size and location. Differs per shape type. """ # Shape shape = random.choice(["square", "circle", "triangle"]) # Color color = tuple([random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]) # Center x, y buffer = 20 y = random.randint(buffer, height - buffer - 1) x = random.randint(buffer, width - buffer - 1) # Size s = random.randint(buffer, height//4) return shape, color, (x, y, s) def random_image(self, height, width): """Creates random specifications of an image with multiple shapes. Returns the background color of the image and a list of shape specifications that can be used to draw the image. """ # Pick random background color bg_color = np.array([random.randint(0, 255) for _ in range(3)]) # Generate a few random shapes and record their # bounding boxes shapes = [] boxes = [] N = random.randint(1, 4) for _ in range(N): shape, color, dims = self.random_shape(height, width) shapes.append((shape, color, dims)) x, y, s = dims boxes.append([y-s, x-s, y+s, x+s]) # Apply non-max suppression wit 0.3 threshold to avoid # shapes covering each other keep_ixs = utils.non_max_suppression(np.array(boxes), np.arange(N), 0.3) shapes = [s for i, s in enumerate(shapes) if i in keep_ixs] return bg_color, shapes
然后调用如下方法(IMAGE_SHAPE=[128 128 3],介绍config时会提到),准备训练用数据和验证集数据,注意,此时仅仅是在做准备并未真实的生成或读入图片数据,
# Training datasetdataset_train = ShapesDataset()dataset_train.load_shapes(500, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])dataset_train.prepare()# Validation datasetdataset_val = ShapesDataset()dataset_val.load_shapes(50, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])dataset_val.prepare()
def load_shapes(self, count, height, width): """Generate the requested number of synthetic images. count: number of images to generate. height, width: the size of the generated images. """ # Add classes self.add_class("shapes", 1, "square") self.add_class("shapes", 2, "circle") self.add_class("shapes", 3, "triangle") # Add images # Generate random specifications of images (i.e. color and # list of shapes sizes and locations). This is more compact than # actual images. Images are generated on the fly in load_image(). for i in range(count): bg_color, shapes = self.random_image(height, width) self.add_image("shapes", image_id=i, path=None, width=width, height=height, bg_color=bg_color, shapes=shapes)
这里涉及了两个父类继承来的方法self.add_class和self.add_image,我们去中的Dataset class看一看,
class Dataset(object): """The base class for dataset classes. To use it, create a new class that adds functions specific to the dataset you want to use. For example: class CatsAndDogsDataset(Dataset): def load_cats_and_dogs(self): ... def load_mask(self, image_id): ... def image_reference(self, image_id): ... See COCODataset and ShapesDataset as examples. """ def __init__(self, class_map=None): self._image_ids = [] self.image_info = [] # Background is always the first class self.class_info = [{"source": "", "id": 0, "name": "BG"}] self.source_class_ids = {} def add_class(self, source, class_id, class_name): assert "." not in source, "Source name cannot contain a dot" # Does the class exist already? for info in self.class_info: if info['source'] == source and info["id"] == class_id: # source.class_id combination already available, skip return # Add the class self.class_info.append({ "source": source, "id": class_id, "name": class_name, }) def add_image(self, source, image_id, path, **kwargs): image_info = { "id": image_id, "source": source, "path": path, } image_info.update(kwargs) self.image_info.append(image_info)
也就是说,在Dataset中有self.image_info 和 self.class_info 两个list,它们的元素都是固定key的字典,
在后面的prepare方法中我们可以进一步了解,使用source.id作key,可以索引到一个内建的新的internal id,这也像我们解释了为什么文档中说Mask_RCNN支持多个数据集同时训练的由来。
for i in range(count): bg_color, shapes = self.random_image(height, width) self.add_image("shapes", image_id=i, path=None, width=width, height=height, bg_color=bg_color, shapes=shapes)
在初始化了 self.image_info 和 self.class_info 两个list之后,Dataset已经记录了原始的类别信息和图像信息,调用prepare方法进行规范化,
def prepare(self, class_map=None): """Prepares the Dataset class for use. TODO: class map is not supported yet. When done, it should handle mapping classes from different datasets to the same class ID. """ def clean_name(name): """Returns a shorter version of object names for cleaner display.""" return ",".join(name.split(",")[:1]) # Build (or rebuild) everything else from the info dicts. self.num_classes = len(self.class_info) # 类别数目 self.class_ids = np.arange(self.num_classes) # internal 类别IDs self.class_names = [clean_name(c["name"]) for c in self.class_info] # 类别名简洁版 self.num_images = len(self.image_info) # 图片数目 self._image_ids = np.arange(self.num_images) # internal 类别IDs # Mapping from source class and image IDs to internal IDs self.class_from_source_map = {"{}.{}".format(info['source'], info['id']): id for info, id in zip(self.class_info, self.class_ids)} self.image_from_source_map = {"{}.{}".format(info['source'], info['id']): id for info, id in zip(self.image_info, self.image_ids)} # Map sources to class_ids they support self.sources = list(set([i['source'] for i in self.class_info])) self.source_class_ids = {} # source对应的internal 类别IDs # Loop over datasets for source in self.sources: self.source_class_ids[source] = [] # Find classes that belong to this dataset for i, info in enumerate(self.class_info): # Include BG class in all datasets if i == 0 or source == info['source']: self.source_class_ids[source].append(i)
将""映射为唯一的internal IDs,并将全部的internal IDs存储在self.class_ids
source_class_ids,记录下每一个"source"对应的internal IDs
class_from_source_map,记录下"":internal IDs的映射关系
print(dataset_train.class_info) # 每个类别原始信息print(dataset_train.class_ids) # 记录类别internal IDsprint(dataset_train.source_class_ids) # 每个数据集对应的internal IDsprint(dataset_train.class_from_source_map) # 原始信息和internal ID映射关系
有固定的source为空的类别0(id和internal ID都是),标记为背景,会添加进source_class_ids中全部的数据集对应的类别中(上面"shape"数据集我们仅定义了3个类,在映射中多了一个0变成4个类)。
# Training datasetdataset_train = ShapesDataset()dataset_train.load_shapes(3, config.IMAGE_SHAPE[0], config.IMAGE_SHAPE[1])dataset_train.prepare()print(dataset_train.image_info) # 记录图像原始信息print(dataset_train.image_ids) # 记录图像internal IDsprint(dataset_train.image_from_source_map) # 原始信息和internal ID对应关系
[{'id': 0, 'source': 'shapes', 'path': None, 'width': 128, 'height': 128, 'bg_color': array([163, 143, 173]), 'shapes': [('circle', (178, 140, 65), (83, 104, 20)), ('circle', (192, 52, 82), (48, 58, 20))]}, {'id': 1, 'source': 'shapes', 'path': None, 'width': 128, 'height': 128, 'bg_color': array([ 5, 99, 71]), 'shapes': [('triangle', (90, 32, 55), (39, 21, 22)), ('circle', (214, 49, 173), (39, 78, 21))]}, {'id': 2, 'source': 'shapes', 'path': None, 'width': 128, 'height': 128, 'bg_color': array([138, 52, 83]), 'shapes': [('circle', (180, 74, 150), (105, 45, 27))]}][0 1 2]{'shapes.0': 0, 'shapes.1': 1, 'shapes.2': 2}
【注2】internal IDs实际上就是info的索引数组,使用internal IDs的值可以直接索引对应图片顺序的info信息。
# Load and display random samplesimage_ids = np.random.choice(dataset_train.image_ids, 4)for image_id in image_ids: image = dataset_train.load_image(image_id) mask, class_ids = dataset_train.load_mask(image_id) visualize.display_top_masks(image, mask, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names) print(image.shape, mask.shape, class_ids, dataset_train.class_names)
使用self.image.ids即internal IDs进行图片选取
自行实现load_image方法,获取图片internal IDs,索引图片原始信息(info),利用原始信息输出图片
自行实现load_mask方法,获取图片internal IDs,索引图片原始信息(info),利用原始信息输出图片的masks和对应internal类别,注意一张图片可以有多个mask并分别对应自己的类别
下面贴出load_image和load_mask方法(详见),具体实现不是重点,毕竟我们也不是在研究怎么画2D图,重点在于上面提到的它们的功能,这涉及到我们迁移到自己的数据时如何实现接口。load_image方法返回一张图片,load_mask方法返回(h,w,c)的01掩码以及(c,)的class id,注意,c指的是盖章图片中instance的数目
def load_image(self, image_id): """Generate an image from the specs of the given image ID. Typically this function loads the image from a file, but in this case it generates the image on the fly from the specs in image_info. """ info = self.image_info[image_id] bg_color = np.array(info['bg_color']).reshape([1, 1, 3]) image = np.ones([info['height'], info['width'], 3], dtype=np.uint8) image = image * bg_color.astype(np.uint8) for shape, color, dims in info['shapes']: image = self.draw_shape(image, shape, dims, color) return image def load_mask(self, image_id): """Generate instance masks for shapes of the given image ID. """ info = self.image_info[image_id] shapes = info['shapes'] count = len(shapes) mask = np.zeros([info['height'], info['width'], count], dtype=np.uint8) for i, (shape, _, dims) in enumerate(info['shapes']): mask[:, :, i:i+1] = self.draw_shape(mask[:, :, i:i+1].copy(), shape, dims, 1) # Handle occlusions occlusion = np.logical_not(mask[:, :, -1]).astype(np.uint8) for i in range(count-2, -1, -1): mask[:, :, i] = mask[:, :, i] * occlusion occlusion = np.logical_and(occlusion, np.logical_not(mask[:, :, i])) # Map class names to class IDs. class_ids = np.array([self.class_names.index(s[0]) for s in shapes]) return mask.astype(np.bool), class_ids.astype(np.int32)
The base class for dataset classes. To use it, create a new class that adds functions specific to the dataset you want to use. For example: class CatsAndDogsDataset(Dataset): def load_cats_and_dogs(self): ... def load_mask(self, image_id): ... def image_reference(self, image_id): ... See COCODataset and ShapesDataset as examples.